You are entitled to obtain a free NHS sight test if you meet any of the following criteria
If you are aged 60 or over.
Are aged 40 or over and have a parent, sister, brother or are the son or daughter of a person with Glaucoma.
Are registered severely sight-impaired/blind or sight-impaired/partially sighted.
Suffering from Diabetes.
Suffering from Glaucoma.
Considered to be at risk from Glaucoma.
In need of complex lenses
You can get a free NHS sight test and an optical voucher for glasses
If you are aged under 16.
Aged 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education.
Receiving income support or your partner is receiving this benefit.
Receiving income-based, Jobseeker’s Allowance, or your partner is receiving this benefit.
Receiving Pension Credit/Guarantee Credit or your partner is receiving this benefit.
Receiving tax credits and meeting the qualifying criteria. Or your partner receives tax credits and meets the qualifying conditions.
Named on a valid HC2 certificate.
Named on a valid HC3 certificate.